
Sarantis Mitropoulos

Field: Management Information Systems and Security and Service Management
Rank: Professor
Government Gazette: 2479/τ. Γ΄/03-10-2022
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Mitropoulos Sarantis

Dr. Sarandis Mitropoulos is Professor of “Management Information Systems and Security and Service Management” at the Department of Regional Development of the School of Economics of the Ionian University (ΦΕΚ of appointment 2479/τ. Γ΄/03-10-2022) (from 1/10/2018 – 3/10/2022 he was Associate Professor at the same department of Ionian University, while previously from 1/03/2018 he was at the same level in the Department of Business Administration of former ATEI of Ionian Islands).

He holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (with honors and a scholarship from the National Scholarships Foundation (IKY)). His doctorate concerned the Integrated Management of Distributed Information / Computing Systems and Networks, as a Distributed Architecture Service.

He holds a two-year master’s degree in Business Administration for Executives (Executive MBA), with honors, from the Athens University of Economics and Business with a dissertation in the Formulation, Synchronization, Execution and Evaluation of Business and IT Strategies.

He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, with specialization in “Informatics and Computer Engineering” with a grade of Very Good.

Since 2004, he is senior researcher at the Department of Informatics of the University of Piraeus, participating in a significant number of research and development projects, teaching, and supervising many projects at postgraduate (M.Sc. & Ph.D.) and undergraduate level.

From 04/2002 to 02/2018 he was a Specialist in Informatics at the Deposits and Loans Fund (seconded last year to Independent Public Revenue Authority (A.A.D.E.)), which is supervised by the Ministry of Finance. His duties, among others, were Systems Analysis, Information Systems Analysis, Design and Development, and e-Government.

Prior to his employment in the public sector and for six years, he collaborated with important and large companies in the field of Informatics and Telecommunications in Greece, in the provision of project and technical management, as well as of business development, in integrated solution projects in the areas of systems and network management, of advanced telecommunications – telematics services, of security, as well as of Information Systems.

He has taught Informatics for three years at the National Technical University of Athens in the Department of Naval Mechanical Engineering, as well as at the Hellenic Productivity Centre (ELKEPA) to graduates of universities and technical institutes. He served in the General Staff of the Army as IT Specialist-Programmer.

He has published extensively in international scientific journals and conferences and has been a reviewer, respectively. He has also been a member of Program Committees and Session Chair of Scientific Conferences.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Business and Systems Research of Inderscience Publishers, while he is a Mentor of the Interscience Research Network (IRNET).

He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, while in 2005 he was elected IEEE Senior Member (USA).

He has won 1st award for excellent publication in the international journal “Information Management and Computer Security” (Emerald Publishers, 2011).

Recently (2015) he wrote a university e-book entitled: “INTERNET-BASED INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Applications, Development, Infrastructure”, Association of Greek Academic Libraries (


  • Mitropoulos S. (2022). “Conflict Resolution in Management Policies: Case Study in Cloud Computing and Internet of Things”, the International Journal of Information Privacy Security and Integrity, pp 93-110,, Inderscience Publishers.
  • Mitropoulos S., Maliappi M., Veletsos A., Douligeris C. (2022). “Reengineering the Certification Process for Aircraft Equipment”, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, Inderscience Publishers.
  • Mitropoulos S., Giannakos K., Achlioptas J., Douligeris C. (2022). “A Prototype Workflow MIS for Supply Chain Management: Architecture, Implementation and Business Evaluation”, International Journal of Business Information Systems, 41(1):43, DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2020.10032877, Inderscience Publishers.
  • Mitropoulos S., Toulas V., Douligeris C. (2022). “A Prototype Network Monitoring Information System: Modelling, Design, Implementation and Evaluation”, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 41(1):43, DOI: 10.1504/IJICT.2021.10042018, Inderscience Publishers.
  • Mitropoulos S., Douligeris C. (2021). “Why and How Informatics and Applied Computing Can Still Create Structural Changes and Competitive Advantage”, Applied Computing and Informatics, Emerald Publishers, Forthcoming paper (ahead-of-print), DOI: 10.1108/ACI-06-2021-0149, September 2021,
  • Mitropoulos S., Mitsis C., Valacheas P., Douligeris C. (2021). “An Online Emergency Medical Management Information System using Mobile Computing”, DOI 10.1108/ACI-03-2021-0069, Journal of Applied Computing and Informatics, Emerald Publishers,
  • Lambropoulos G., Mitropoulos S., Douligeris C. (2021). “Improving Business Performance by Employing Virtualization Technology: A Case Study in the Financial Sector”, MDPI Computers 2021, 10, 52,
  • Mitropoulos S., Gouglidis A., Giotsas V. (2020). “A Categorization of Policy Conflicts in Distributed Systems and Network Management”, International Journal of Information Privacy Security and Integrity, 4(4):276-295, Inderscience Publishers.
  • Mitropoulos S., Xroni M., Douligeris C. (2020). “Improving Software Development Process Using Simulation: Case Study in ICT Services Sector”, International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, vol.10, no.2, Inderscience Publishers.
  • Razis M., Mitropoulos S. (2022). “An Integrated Approach for the Banking Intranet/Extranet Information Systems: The Interoperability Case”, International Journal of Business Systems and Research, pp 330-357, Inderscience Publishers. DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2022.10031295
  • Mitropoulos S. (2021), “An Integrated Model for Formulation, Alignment, Execution and Evaluation of Business and IT Strategies”, International Journal of Business Systems and Research, 15(1):90, Inderscience Publishers.
  • Tselikis C., Douligeris C., Maglaras L., Mitropoulos S. (2020), “On the Conference Key Distribution System with User Anonymity”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, 54(2), Elsevier Science Publishers.
  • Chassapis P., Mitropoulos S., Douligeris C. (2020), “A Prototype Mobile Application for the Athens Numismatic Museum”, Journal of Applied Computing and Informatics, 16(1/2), Emerald Publishers,
  • Mitropoulos S., Litsa A. (2020). “Exploring How Public Policies on ICTs Could Contribute to Economic Growth in Greece”, Management Studies and Economic Systems (MSES), 5 (1/2), 59-72, Winter & Spring,
  • Katsikogiannis G., Kallergis D., Garofalaki Z., Mitropoulos S., Douligeris C. (2018). “A Policy-aware Service Oriented Architecture for Secure Machine-to-machine Communications”, Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 80, pp. 70-80, November 2018, Elsevier Science Publishers.
Updated: 09-12-2024

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