General Announcements
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: January - February 2024
Posted: 11-03-2024 14:03 | Views: 7368
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Posted: 31-05-2023 16:19 | Updated: 06-02-2024 22:21 | Views: 31883
Start: 01-09-2023 |End: 31-08-2024
The academic calendar for the year 2023-2024 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
Trial access to De Gruyter ebooks
Posted: 01-02-2024 12:11 | Views: 6908
Trial access to the De Gruyter ebooks until 2024-04-30. Access through the following links and via the Ionian University network or VPN connection.
Trial access to CNKI Express
Posted: 22-01-2024 10:29 | Views: 8560
Trial access to the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database until 2024-07-15.
Access through the following links and via the Ionian University network or VPN connection.
Academic Reference (AR)
The Ionian University Volunteer Blood Donor Society is established
Posted: 13-10-2023 17:51 | Views: 8840
We are excited to introduce the newly established Ionian University Volunteer Blood Donor Society and invite you to become a part of our mission to support blood donation and save lives.
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: July-August 2023
Posted: 13-09-2023 10:20 | Views: 13581
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: May-June 2023
Posted: 04-07-2023 10:11 | Views: 13341
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Finance and Business Analytics Conference 2023 - Lefkada 7-9 June 2023
Posted: 01-06-2023 12:34 | Views: 3038
Join us in Greece on 7th–9th June 2023 for the Finance and Business Analytics Conference and experience three days of learning and networking. Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow and Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) of City, University of London will be hosting their first joint conference in Finance and Business Analytics in the island of Lefkada, Greece, in cooperation (...)
International Conference “Digital Technologies, Common European Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development”
Posted: 10-05-2023 13:16 | Views: 1956
Important Date: 31-03-2023
The International Conference “Digital Technologies, Common European Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development” was organized by the Ionian University in the context of the Irschen Program (KA2 Action Erasmus+). It took place on March 21, 2023, in the Eva Laskari Hall at the Historical Public Library of Corfu in the Old Fortress of Corfu, Greece. The Conference aimed to stress the necessity of digital tools in highlighting Europe's Cultural Heritage, in strengthening our common European identity, and thus in promoting Sustainable Development.
Completion of the IRSCHEN Project (Interdisciplinary Resilience through Science and Cultural Heritage Education Network)
Posted: 10-05-2023 12:09 | Views: 3580
The scientific project Irschen took place from March 2021 to March 2023 in the context of Erasmus+ and specifically of the KA2 Action that promotes cooperation between Institutions and Organizations.
New Regulation of the Centre for Training and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM) [Government Gazette 2499/18-04-2023]
Posted: 25-04-2023 16:17 | Views: 6890
The New Operating Regulations of the KEDIVIM of the Ionian University was published on April 18, 2023 (Government Gazette Vol. B' 2499/18-04-2023) and posted on the Internal Regulation page of the KEDIVIM
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