
Three-day visit to Udine, Italy - within the context of the ERASMUS+ KA2 IRSCHEN PROJECT (Interdisciplinary Resilience through Science and Cultural Heritage Network)

Posted: 28-02-2023 13:15 | Views: 1322
Important Date: 28-02-2023
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The Two-Day Digital Readiness Training in the city of Udine, Italy, on February 22 and 23, 2023, was successfully held. At the same time, on February 24, 2023, the Publicity Event (Multiplier Event) of the IRSCHEN project in Udine took place in the same place. The organization of the actions took place at the premises of the company Mobile 3D, a partner of the project based in Buttrio, which is located in the suburbs of the city of Udine.

Five (5) faculty members from Ionian University participated in the three-day event. Specifically: the Vice-Rector for Research Prof. Christina Beneki, the Scientific Manager of the project asst. Prof. Olga-Eleni Astara, the Deputy Scientific Officer asst. Prof. Naoum Mylonas, the technical manager of the project asst. Prof. Spyridon Doukakis and the asst Prof. Andreas Kapetanios. During the three-day action, the following actions took place:

On 02/22/23: the two-day training started at the Moblie 3D offices in Buttrio. The representatives of the company presented the integrated application created by it in the context of the project that offers both the possibility of a guided tour of the Burgbichl citadel using GPS, but also the educational game related to the space. As part of this presentation, the company also analyzed some points where corrections were made to the application in order to show more accuracy when browsing. As part of the first day of training, the company presented to the participants various Content Management Systems using advanced technologies that it has created mainly for the cultural industries in the city of Udine. Participants became familiar with the use of these systems and applications and recognized the importance of advanced technology.

In the afternoon of the first day, two (2) case studies followed in the field based on what was analyzed in the first part. The participants visited the Archaeological Museum of Udine located inside the city's castle. There, the participants had the opportunity to use the relevant application designed by Mobile 3D to guide visitors to the museum. Afterwards, the participants, guided by the company's leaders, were guided around the city of Udine, using the company's app.

On 23/02/2023: the second day of training took place. The training started with a masterclass by Mr. Carlo Zoratti, creative director of the Italian Jovanotti tours and renowned expert in virtual reality combined with human psychology. Along the way, Mobile 3D representatives showed participants techniques to create their own content with the help of digital technology and publish it. Following this, applications based on augmented reality (VR) were also presented. The case study participants were familiarized with the company's application created in the Monfalcone shipyard using augmented reality.

In the afternoon of the same day, the participants visited the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art “Casa Cavazzini” and the temporary exhibition “Insieme” ( ). In the context of the visit, a relevant museum tour application developed by Mobile 3D was used.

On 24/02/23, after the two-day training was completed the previous day, the publicity event of the project was held with guests from the local community. At the beginning, the project was briefly presented, then a representative of the Universität Innsbruck and a representative of the Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti n Umetnosti presented the digitization of the findings resulting from the excavations in Burgbichl, Austria, and Kobarid, Slovenia, respectively. At the end, a representative of the Ionian University presented the content of the digital course developed in the context of the project.

At noon of the same day, the three-day action was completed, and the conclusions were formulated by all the participating partners

The partners involved in the IRSCHEN research project are: Universität Innsbruck/Austria (project coordinator), MOBILE 3D /Italy, Znanstvenoraziskovalni Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti In Umetnosti /Slovenia, Gemeinde Irschen /Austria, Solidarity Paths /Greece, and Ionian University/Greece .

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